New Overtime Regulations Coming January 1

New rule to make more workers eligible for overtime pay The U.S. Department of Labor has issued its final rule updating overtime regulations, making 1.3 million more workers eligible for overtime pay.  The new rule takes effect January 1, 2020, just three...

Equal Pay

Equal pay for equal work now law in Colorado: what it means for employers Governor Polis recently signed into law SB 85, the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act.  This law, which many in the business community opposed, seeks to narrow the significant pay disparity...

Legal Issues for Startups

8 Key legal issues when starting a new business It is easy to make mistakes when starting a new business. There are a lot of things to do, you want to get it off the ground, but the process can seem overwhelming. There are a number of important steps you should take...

E-Verify System

Hiring new employees? E-Verify program suspended during government shutdown Over 750,000 U.S. employers use E-Verify, an electronic system to confirm the employment eligibility of new hires.  Participants in the program initiate an inquiry for each new employee within...

Hiring First Employee?

Hiring Your First Employee?  Remember These StepsMany businesses, both new and established, grow to the point where the owner needs to hire his or her first employee.  Usually this is because the workload becomes too great for one person to handle, and additional...