Apr 22, 2016 | business attorney, Corporation, Employment, Entrepreneurs, Limiting liability, Medium-sized business, Small business
7 Steps Your Business Can Take To Avoid Discrimination Claims If your business has employees, you know that managing them is a daily process, and often challenging. One challenge you want to avoid is a discrimination claim, in which an employee claims that they have...
Mar 30, 2016 | business attorney, Contract, Corporation, Entrepreneurs, LLC, Medium-sized business, Small business, Startups
Don’t do business on a handshake: get it in writing! People have been doing business together for thousands of years, and for just as long, they have been entering into verbal and written contracts. Here is a rental contract from nearly 4,000 years ago in...
Mar 1, 2016 | business attorney, Corporation, Export, Global, International business, Medium-sized business, Small business
It’s a Big World Out There: How to Take your Business Global (Part 1) There are many small and mid-size companies here in Colorado, and across the U.S. making great products or providing valuable services. Many of those companies do all of their business...
Feb 15, 2016 | Entrepreneurs, International business, Medium-sized business, Small business, Startups
What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Why does it Matter to Colorado Business? Some of you may have heard of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, but if not, you want to know about it, because it is important for Colorado businesses. What is the Trans-Pacific...
Jan 8, 2016 | Corporation, Medium-sized business, Small business
What Issues Important to Business will the Colorado Legislature Take Up in 2016? The Colorado legislature begins its 2016 session on January 13, and will meet until early May. During that time, it will address a long list of important issues: passing a state budget...
Dec 11, 2015 | Corporation, Cybersecurity, Entrepreneurs, Medium-sized business, Small business, Startups
Cybersecurity: isn’t that something only big companies have to worry about? The answer is: no! We’ve all read about recent cyber-attacks, in which hackers or foreign governments have broken into computer systems of large companies like Target and Chase Bank, stealing...