Oct 25, 2016 | business attorney, Corporation, Limiting liability, LLC, Small business, Startups
Your LLC needs a written operating agreement You have a great idea for a new business and have formed a limited liability company, an LLC. While corporations are required by state law to have bylaws, LLCs are not required to have written operating agreement. ...
Jun 24, 2016 | business attorney, Contract, LLC, Medium-sized business, Small business
Buying or Selling a Business: Stock vs Asset deals explained. Businesses are bought and sold all the time. Transactions range in size from under $100,000 to billions of dollars. For most sales of small to medium-size companies, the transaction is usually structured...
Mar 30, 2016 | business attorney, Contract, Corporation, Entrepreneurs, LLC, Medium-sized business, Small business, Startups
Don’t do business on a handshake: get it in writing! People have been doing business together for thousands of years, and for just as long, they have been entering into verbal and written contracts. Here is a rental contract from nearly 4,000 years ago in...
Nov 16, 2015 | Corporation, Limiting liability, LLC
Our Pig Farmer Brings in a Partner to Help Run the Show-Pig Operation: Another Reason to Do Business as a Corporation or LLC In last week’s blog I introduced you to our farmer who raises prize pigs to show at state fairs and livestock shows. Let’s call him Rick,...