Mar 15, 2019 | Agreements, business attorney, Contract, Corporation, Employment, Independent contractor, Legal fees, Limiting liability, Medium-sized business, Non-disclosure agreement, Small business, Startups
8 Key legal issues when starting a new business It is easy to make mistakes when starting a new business. There are a lot of things to do, you want to get it off the ground, but the process can seem overwhelming. There are a number of important steps you should take...
Mar 6, 2018 | business attorney, Contract, Employment, Independent contractor, Medium-sized business, Small business
Employee or independent contractor? Misclassification can be costly Many companies use independent contractors in their business, and their use is growing. They do so for a variety of reasons, including: lack of time to manage more employees need for specialized...
Feb 16, 2018 | business attorney, Contract, Cybersecurity, Employment, Limiting liability, Medium-sized business, Small business
“But I’ve used that form contract for years!” Why you need to review and update your company’s contracts Contracts are a critical part of operating any business. Companies have contracts with suppliers and vendors, partner companies, landlords, and clients, among...
Aug 14, 2017 | Agreements, business attorney, Contract, Corporation, data security, Employment, Legal fees, LLC, Medium-sized business, Small business
What is an “outside general counsel” and what can one do for your company, besides save you money? Do you wish you could run legal and business issues past your lawyer whenever you need to, without worrying about getting billed for every call or email? Having a...
Apr 28, 2017 | Agreements, Contract, Cybersecurity, data security, information security, Medium-sized business, Small business
Your vendor contracts and cybersecurity: how to protect yourself In a previous post I talked about how your contracts with vendors and other third parties can increase your cybersecurity risk. A vendor may hold valuable data for you, such as consumer information or...
Apr 19, 2017 | Contract, Cybersecurity, data security, hacking, information security, Medium-sized business, Small business
How your vendor contracts may be putting you at risk for cyberattacks In 2013 the retailer Target suffered a massive data breach, with hackers stealing the credit card information of more than 40 million customers, and the addresses and phone numbers of more than 70...