Jul 18, 2016 | Acquisitions, Asset Purchase, business attorney, Contract, Corporation, Medium-sized business, Small business, Stock Acquisitions
Buyers versus Sellers In a recent post I outlined the features of the two main types of business acquisitions, stock and asset deals. To recap briefly, in a stock acquisition, the buyer purchases the stock of the company being acquired. In doing so the buyer takes...
Jun 24, 2016 | business attorney, Contract, LLC, Medium-sized business, Small business
Buying or Selling a Business: Stock vs Asset deals explained. Businesses are bought and sold all the time. Transactions range in size from under $100,000 to billions of dollars. For most sales of small to medium-size companies, the transaction is usually structured...
Apr 22, 2016 | business attorney, Corporation, Employment, Entrepreneurs, Limiting liability, Medium-sized business, Small business
7 Steps Your Business Can Take To Avoid Discrimination Claims If your business has employees, you know that managing them is a daily process, and often challenging. One challenge you want to avoid is a discrimination claim, in which an employee claims that they have...
Mar 30, 2016 | business attorney, Contract, Corporation, Entrepreneurs, LLC, Medium-sized business, Small business, Startups
Don’t do business on a handshake: get it in writing! People have been doing business together for thousands of years, and for just as long, they have been entering into verbal and written contracts. Here is a rental contract from nearly 4,000 years ago in...
Mar 1, 2016 | business attorney, Corporation, Export, Global, International business, Medium-sized business, Small business
It’s a Big World Out There: How to Take your Business Global (Part 1) There are many small and mid-size companies here in Colorado, and across the U.S. making great products or providing valuable services. Many of those companies do all of their business...
Nov 24, 2015 | business attorney
3 Reasons why you shouldn’t rely on legal forms from the internet Let’s face it: we all like to save money. A good lawyer wants to save his or her clients money by being efficient and cost-effective. One way that some clients think they can save money is by using...