Business Contracts
Well-drafted business contracts are the lifeblood of your firm. Their primary purpose is to memorialize a business deal and make it clear what both parties are expected to do. Too many businesses enter into business relationships without written contracts, or without reviewing contracts from potential business partners to determine whether the contract is fair. What some clients call the “legal mumbo-jumbo” in a contract can have real consequences. Never sign a contract without at least reading it!
Contracts should also protect your business in the event that the deal falls through or either party fails to live up to the agreement. At the beginning of a business relationship, no one likes to think about the negative events that could happen down the road. If you don’t consider these possibilities up front, however, it can cost a lot more to fix when something does happen to hurt the relationship.
Every business’ contract needs differ, so contracts downloaded from the internet or copied from another business often fail to adequately protect your business. That’s where we can help.
Our services in this area include:
- Contract Drafting, Review, and Negotiation
- Shareholder and buy-sell agreements
- Consulting agreements
- Independent contractor agreements
- Non-disclosure agreements
- Employment agreements
- Non-competition and non-solicitation agreements
- Vendor and supplier agreements
- Licensing arrangements
- Leases
- Purchase and sale of business or assets
- Purchase or redemption of shareholder or member interest
- Structuring exit strategies
- Commercial transactions
- Website terms and conditions and privacy policies

Manage Your Business Confidently.
Contact Spitz Legal Counsel
We offer a free 30 minute initial consultation.
Office: 3900 E. Mexico Ave. Suite 300
Denver, Colorado 80210
Phone: 720 575 0440
Fax: 303 927 0809